A female sexual predator; baby blues
A female sexual predator contacted me and I’m amazed that she allowed me to read her letter.
We begin this year with different type of letter. In fact, the only thing that its author had in common with other featured contributors was the fact that she is an incest sexual female. That is possibly the only thing that she had in common with me as well. Needless to say, instead of my usual empathy for the particular feelings and experiences that those I feature usually exhibit, I was troubled enough by this letter to seek out its author before sharing it with anyone.
The woman I encountered expected that I would be a kindred spirit. Instead, she found that I was mortified at her callous and predatory seductions. I often say that it’s a fine line we walk as incest-sexuals, because society accepts almost every other sexual identity but ours. So, revealing our proclivities is dangerous to the relationships we have within our family. I also advocate ONLY ADULT CONSENTUAL incest. That means I don’t promote seducing those who can’t agree to this because of age, health or even because they are emotionally commitment (married/living with, etc) to another.
But this woman seemed to ignore that any family member should have any relationship accept what she wanted. She trapped them in awkward situations, physically aroused them and then used guilt and guile to take what she wanted. She did this without discussion and fully aware that these were the actions of a “home-wrecker”, completely ignoring the fact that both her father and her son were happily married.
What’s more now that her actions have resulted in a pregnancy, she can only see two possible solutions. One which destroys her son’s relationship, and one that blames another man for the baby to come. The level of selfishness is quite possibly psychopathic. A new innocent is about to be welcomed into this world, this woman has yet to learn from the consequences of her actions. I suggested a third solution, which would greatly upset her life, but protect the most innocents in this situation.