I desire my mom

I desire my mom – ep 07

I desire my mom is episode 07

I desire my mom could have been a better episode in my opinion. It’s just been a question of too many things to do and not enough time in the day to get them done. I should also add that I’m a little on the nutty side because I refuse to sacrifice my gym time. Well, the result is that I was a little rushed to get this podcast done but my don’t fear, I have other podcasts for you to enjoy. (Or, you can enjoy the highlights of my 1st live show !)

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I have decided to talk a little about a conspiracy theory of sorts. I have mentioned in previous podcasts the the prevailing attitudes against certain consensual sexual behaviors lack concrete evidence to support claims that they are damaging to society. In fact, more damage seems to be done by the social stigma and isolation that continue to haunt those who find themselves wanting an adult relationship with the “wrong” person.

The powers that be seem to be hellbent on controlling our behavior. We have gone from equal rights for the LGBT community, to so many additions and definition changes that these communities are losing cohesion. When you look back to the beginnings of these movements, the push was for acceptance to be given the same rights as “normal families”. Now there is no “normal” when it comes to family, as traditional families are a dying breed. Less than half of all marriages survive and although the divorce rate is officially on the decline, this is entirely offset by the fact that so many less people are getting married in the first place. And it should be noted that the sharp decline in marriage numbers is including numbers for homosexual unions, which were not even possible when marriage was common place.

Saying I desire my mom is normal

I can’t help but see a conspiracy to destroy families. It is obvious that healthy, trusting relationships especially generational ones hurt their sphere of influence and are therefore something to despise. So society has been structured to have us turning to the experts and not our loved ones when we feel ourselves floundering. Further diminishing our reliance on each other and fostering our dependence on them. Hopefully my stand against this oppression will make others re-evaluate their personal relationships with their loved ones and with the powers that be.

Rock Hard with Erection Gummies

Author: blondetabu